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All Posts
Burnout IS sustainable
Grief & relief
What happened to savasana?
The artistry of retreats
Reflections on my 33rd birthday
Burnout is a disruption of energy transfer in the body
Blooming (without burnout)
Alignment with what?
The longing can be so painful
What happens in your body when you're waiting?
The questions I ask myself when setting intentions
Solstice reflections
Calm is not necessarily the goal
Moments from my life as an HSP (Highly Sensitive Person)
5 signs you might be highly sensitive
I like to think I'm "logical"
On long-term relationships
The time of year I always hit burnout
When you don't know what to do
Reconnect with your sense of interoception
Sensory work is sacred work
Why I love retreats
Tending to your sensitive inner child
The limits of language
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